Teachers, across countries and over generations, have been known for augmenting life skills in their pupils, besides laying a profound foundation of knowledge for the youth. St. Michaels School, Durgapur, has been renowned for over 50 years for mentoring and guiding students not only in their academic endeavours but also for strengthening virtues like responsible citizenship and leadership qualities in the youth. Every year the authority and the teachers successfully coordinate for nominating an able body of prefects and investing them with duties and responsibilities. The aim is to inculcate the spirit of selfless service and nurture a sense of pride, identity and belonging in the students.
This year on 8th July 2022, we witnessed the Prefect Investiture Ceremony, organised for the students of class 12 of the 2022-23 session. The day’s proceedings would remain engraved in our minds into posterity. This historic and auspicious moment was graced by the honoured presence of our Chief Guest Reverend Dr Joel Patrick and the school chaplain Reverend Samuel Haldar. Under the capable guidance of the Principal Mr Charles J Nyss, the Vice Principal Mrs Barnali Chattopadhyay and the Head Mistress of the school Mrs Sarika Khimla, the nominated prefect body was appointed with duties and responsibilities that would teach them and the rest of the students, lessons on dedication, loyalty and integrity.
The prefect body of the present session comprises of students from all four houses, viz, St. Andrew’s, St. David’s, St. Patrick’s and St. George’s. Prakash Karmakar and Jaya Paul were appointed as the School Captain and Vice Captain respectively. Several other posts like Cultural and Academic Secretaries, Sports Captain for Boys and Girls, House Captains and Vice Captains, were conferred too. The pledge was taken, where prefects vouchsafed their allegiance to their beloved institution. Reverend Samuel Haldar blessed the school flag and the prefectural ties, which lent an air of serenity to the event. Ties and appointment letters were handed over amidst much anticipation and applause. The school flag and the flags of each house were handed over to the captains and vice captains with loads of expectations and blessings. A special song by the school choir added to the pious atmosphere of the day, while the words of the Chief Guest won over the hearts of the audience by their essence of motivation. In fine, the day’s celebrations were rounded up by the Principal’s address, which was heart-warming and would remain branded in the collective memory for years to come.
On 20th July 2022 badges were distributed among the nominated prefects at the morning assembly through a brief ceremony. The Principal, the Vice Principal and the Headmistress had done the honours so that the junior students could become aware of the constitution of the Prefect Council for this session. Thereafter the prefects are expected to set the path with their exemplary behaviour and deeds, while the juniors would learn to look up to their seniors and aspire for excellence in future.