In Association with Maharashtra and Goa region a tournament was organized by VIBGYOR HIGH BALEWADI , PUNE, MAHARASHTRA from 16th October to 20th October , 2023.
Many states of India were a part of this event. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal had the privilege to showcase the true meaning of team spirit and high level energy among the students of different age groups. The students of St. Michael’s School, Durgapur had the honour to be a part of this tournament. Sagarika Hansda of 11 B, Karishma Nandi of Class 7 D, Dolla Kumari of 11 B and Ankan Mondal of 9 C were selected to participate in the competition.
The budding players were beset by emotions of pride and team spirit. It was their first National games which they played with a lot of zeal. They learnt to strategize and evaluate their strengths and hope, while representing their school and state with pride.
One of our students, Sagarika Hansda has received the privilege to be a part of the SGFI games.