The blessings of the Almighty always guide us through the tides of time. So it is apt that we all came together to seek for His grace for our students of the I.C.S.E. batch of 2024.
They had assembled at the auditorium on the morning of 6th February 2024, Tuesday; to receive the blessings of the Principal, Mr. Charles Joseph Nyss, the Headmistress, Mrs. Sarika Khimla, the school Chaplain, Reverend Sandipan Sinha and the teachers. The Reverend’s invocation was followed by the Bible reading of the Headmistress. Thereafter, senior teacher Mr. Soumendu Bhattacharya, addressed the young minds to inspire hope and confidence; as they are about to sit for their first board examination. It would be a huge step towards their future. The ceremony came to a close with the Principal’s address to the pupils. The event came to a closure with the singing of the School Song.
The upcoming examination is like a threshold for the students between the worlds of familiarity and that of possibilities. As seniors and mentors, it is our duty to pray for their success. The blessing ceremony was our attempt at expressing our heartfelt good wishes for all those young learners, who have grown up over the years in our tender care and concern.