On 22.11.2023, St. Michael’s School participated in the Marie Curie – Meghnad Saha Science conference at Netaji Bhawan. This event was organized by Durgapur Adda Young Association. The discussion in the conference was on 2023 Noble Award-Winning Research of Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology. Around eight schools’s attended the conference. Lectures were delivered on ‘Experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electrodynamics in matter’ (Physics) by Dr. Ranjit Ghosh ; ‘ The discovery and synthesis of quantum dots’ (Chemistry) by Dr.Poulomi Roy and ‘Nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID -19’ ( Physiology) by Dr. Shreyashi Gupta. We take pride in mentioning that our students bagged prizes for their answers in the open- to –all quiz concerning the research papers. While Diya Mishra (Class 10A) was awarded three prizes, Shyamsundar Mondal (10E) and Rabindranath Chatterjee(10B) were awarded a prize each. Enlightening lectures, active interaction, achievements —- a wonderful experience altogether.